Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Symphony and Hawaiian Mission Houses

We had two fabulous field trips yesterday! Our first stop was at the NBC concert hall where we learned about the instruments in the symphony. It was great to see and hear the instruments that we learned about in school.

Here are some comments from the children about the symphony:

Sienna- The symphony was very fun. We saw the instruments we learned about.

Alohi- the symphony had lots of instruments on the stage like woodwind, strings, percussion, and brass. It was so loud in there. It had different sounds from the instruments.

Jack- The trip to the symphony was epic because we heard common songs from each instrument like "Sponge Bob Squarepants".

Quintin- I thought it was cool because we got to listen to different instruments and hear some songs.

Thaiden- The symphony is so fun that when I saw the instruments, I was clapping my hands.

Matthew- I felt happy at the symphony because I saw all the instruments that I learned about in class.

Alysha- The symphony was so cool and the violins were so awesome.

Jade- The trip to the symphony was fun! We got to see different kinds of instruments like the oboe, flute, trumpet, and other instruments.  We also got hear different kinds of music.

Sierra- The symphony was a great experience for me to learn about the instrument families and their instruments.

Marlee- I learned that my favorite instrument is a piccolo.

Kaleb- I liked watching and learning about new instruments.

Here's a pic of the symphony from our balcony seats.

The Hawaiian Mission Houses were so interesting! We got to walk through a missionary home, but they didn't let us take pictures. There were so many interesting things from long ago. We also learned about the clothing that they wore and Kammiee and Reilly got to dress up in missionary clothing. Check out the pics of them below! Next, we got to see a real printing press from long ago. Kayton and Christina got to help with the printing. See them in the pics below. Our last activity was playing with games and toys that the missionary and Hawaiian children played with.
Here are some comments from the students:

Kammiee- On January 29th we went to the Mission Houses. We saw the bedroom and 5 people slept in it. It was cool!

Reece- Yesterday at the Mission Houses, one thing I learned is that missionaries did not have electricity.

Maile- I enjoyed our field trip to Mission Houses. I enjoyed going to the kitchen where I learned about how missionaries filtered their water.

Reilly- On the 29th of January, we went to the Mission Houses and it was nice because there were very nice special plates.

Xander- What I learned at the Mission Houses is that Queen Kaahumanu had to sleep on the rope bed, but she refused to sleep like the Hawaiians.

Christina- I learned that it was difficult in the olden days like they had to pee in pots and clean it.

Makoa- On January 29th, I went to the Mission Houses. It was really cool, but tiring.

Malina- On January 29, 2013, we went to the Mission Houses. We learned about the missionaries and I liked it very much.

Jayvis- On January 29, we went to the Mission Houses. I had fun playing games. My favorite one was the one with the rock and the stick.

Shamren- On January 29, 2013, we went to Mission Houses. We learned how to play games and learned how the missionaries and the Hawaiians lived. We learned that Hawaiians did not know how to read and write so the missionaries taught them. Then we played games and it was fun and cool.
Mr. Mike gives us directions. He sure looks different without his missionary outfit!

Kammiee and Reilly are dressing up like missionary children.

Don't they look cute?!

Mr. Mike shows us the printing press that the missionaries used.

Christina is getting ready to help Mr. Mike do some printing.

Kayton is inking the printer.

Printing takes a lot of muscles!

Mr. Mike is showing us how to play the games.

Malina and Kammiee are catching the ball in the cup.

Playing with the hoop and ball is so much fun!

Spinning the hoop is challenging!

Reilly and Alysha are doing a great job with these games!

Go, Jack, go!

Kaleb is really concentrating!

Nice spinning, Reece!

We had a lot of fun today!

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