Thursday, September 27, 2012

Blue Angels Soar Over Kapunahala'

Photo courtesy of Ms. Ayada

Here are some reports from our B23 news team:

By Jack
         Today we saw the fast and exciting Blue Angels! We liked it so much we cheered so loud! Also, we noticed that the jets were moving faster than their sound. They also did awesome tricks and went over our school! Those were the things they did and what I learned about the awesome, amazing Blue Angels!

By Maile
     On September 27th, we saw the Blue Angels. They were a good show and they taught us about sound. Here's what we learned. We learned that in air, sound travels much slower thatn what made it, or in this case, the Blue Angels! Now let's talk about the Angels. They were blue (of course) and had orange zig-zag stripes on the bottom. Okay, back to sound. Anyway, we learned that the sound that the Blue Angels made stayed behind them, even when they were out of sight. I never knew that. I enjoyed the Blue Angels and I also enjoyed the new tip.

                                                                       By Makoa
     Wooossssshhhh!!!!!!!!!! Wow! Each year the Blue Angels come flying over our school practicing for the performance on Saturday and Sunday. Our teacher gave us a little quiz asking why are the sounds coming from behind the planes. It's becasue the vibrations cause a sonic boom behind them which echoes. (Sorry if that's too much information.) Goodness sakes, they never crashed!

By Kea
     Today at school we saw the Blue Angels! They did awesome tricks and I almost cried! They flew over the school. They also performed all over the country. It was my first time seeing a jet fly before. The sound they made relates to our Sound Energy unit because the sound vibrates when they fly.

By Sierra
     Today we saw the Blue Angels. They were making loud sounds and soaring around and around! It was roaring like this: Rrrrrr! I discovered that the jets were faster than the sound they made. They were blue with yellow stripes and there were four jets in a group. Somethimes they split up into twos and 1 jet was left behind!

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