Friday, September 28, 2012

100% Meet KidBiz Goal!

Hurray! All of the B23 students met the KidBiz goal for the first quarter! Our goal was to pass two articles each week with a score of 75% or higher! Great job B23 students! Let's pass even more articles in the second quarter!

The following students also met their Accelerated Reading goal for the first quarter: Makoa, Quintin, Matthew, Sierra, Marlee, Maile, Jayvis, Kaleb, Kea, Jade, Xander, Reece, Reilly, Sienna, Christina, Jack, and Walker. Awesome job! They were honored with lunch in the classroom, movie, and popcorn!

Please do your Reading Log (Monday to Thursday) next week and Mon., Oct. 8. You did such a great job with your reading in the first quarter! Let's do even better in the second quarter!

You could also start planning and making your instrument during the break. It will be due on Oct. 11.

Have a wonderful break and I'll see you on Oct. 9!

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