Friday, September 28, 2012

100% Meet KidBiz Goal!

Hurray! All of the B23 students met the KidBiz goal for the first quarter! Our goal was to pass two articles each week with a score of 75% or higher! Great job B23 students! Let's pass even more articles in the second quarter!

The following students also met their Accelerated Reading goal for the first quarter: Makoa, Quintin, Matthew, Sierra, Marlee, Maile, Jayvis, Kaleb, Kea, Jade, Xander, Reece, Reilly, Sienna, Christina, Jack, and Walker. Awesome job! They were honored with lunch in the classroom, movie, and popcorn!

Please do your Reading Log (Monday to Thursday) next week and Mon., Oct. 8. You did such a great job with your reading in the first quarter! Let's do even better in the second quarter!

You could also start planning and making your instrument during the break. It will be due on Oct. 11.

Have a wonderful break and I'll see you on Oct. 9!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Blue Angels Soar Over Kapunahala'

Photo courtesy of Ms. Ayada

Here are some reports from our B23 news team:

By Jack
         Today we saw the fast and exciting Blue Angels! We liked it so much we cheered so loud! Also, we noticed that the jets were moving faster than their sound. They also did awesome tricks and went over our school! Those were the things they did and what I learned about the awesome, amazing Blue Angels!

By Maile
     On September 27th, we saw the Blue Angels. They were a good show and they taught us about sound. Here's what we learned. We learned that in air, sound travels much slower thatn what made it, or in this case, the Blue Angels! Now let's talk about the Angels. They were blue (of course) and had orange zig-zag stripes on the bottom. Okay, back to sound. Anyway, we learned that the sound that the Blue Angels made stayed behind them, even when they were out of sight. I never knew that. I enjoyed the Blue Angels and I also enjoyed the new tip.

                                                                       By Makoa
     Wooossssshhhh!!!!!!!!!! Wow! Each year the Blue Angels come flying over our school practicing for the performance on Saturday and Sunday. Our teacher gave us a little quiz asking why are the sounds coming from behind the planes. It's becasue the vibrations cause a sonic boom behind them which echoes. (Sorry if that's too much information.) Goodness sakes, they never crashed!

By Kea
     Today at school we saw the Blue Angels! They did awesome tricks and I almost cried! They flew over the school. They also performed all over the country. It was my first time seeing a jet fly before. The sound they made relates to our Sound Energy unit because the sound vibrates when they fly.

By Sierra
     Today we saw the Blue Angels. They were making loud sounds and soaring around and around! It was roaring like this: Rrrrrr! I discovered that the jets were faster than the sound they made. They were blue with yellow stripes and there were four jets in a group. Somethimes they split up into twos and 1 jet was left behind!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Our Kid Biz goal is to pass two stories per week (a total of 14 this quarter) and to earn 10 points from Accelerated Reader tests.
Congratulations to the following students for meeting the school's KidBiz and Accelerated Reader goals for the first quarter: Makoa, Matt, Maile, Jayvis, Kaleb, Kea, Reece, Reilly, Christina, Walker

Awesome job! I am proud of your accomplishments!

For those who have still not met the goals, you have until Friday to add on to your first quarter totals. Some of you are so close! You only need 1 or 2 points more.
 Read, read, read so you can reach the goals! Good luck!

What We Learned in the First Quarter

The first quarter is quickly coming to an end. It's been a busy quarter and we'd like to share with you things we learned this quarter. We hope you enjoy reading our blog!

What I learned in the first quarter is about math. I didn't know that we can add the addends to find the sum.

In the first quarter, I learned math. In math I learned how to add using the hundreds chart.

I learned that Mexicans made hand made stuff with beads like bead earrings, necklaces, and clothes. They made sand paintings which were hand made, too. But now they mostly use machines to make clothes, but they use hand-made stuff.

What I learned in the first quarter was how to add with the hundreds chart. I also learned what was algebra. In my spelling, we learned different words like "wrap" instead of "rap"

In the first quarter, I learned Science. I didn't know that a moth can use its colors to make it look like something else.

This quarter it was very fun. I learned cursive. It was my first time doing it. In Social Studies, I learned about different parts of the world.

What I learned in Quarter one is that we did a Science project on how animals need adaptations to survive in the wild.

I learned that all animals need a habitat. If they do not have a habitat they will die.

In the first quarter, I learned about animal adaptations. A hyena can camoflauge in the dark with black fur. Also, when a bird flies, its feathers are tight so it won't fall. A shark has a liver full of oil so the shark can float in the water, Last, a zebra has something else than camoflauge. It can kick hard.

What I learned in first quarter is adding thousands together and regrouping them. Like 2,021 + 3,001. But now I know the answer is 5,022. Wow, that's a lot! Also, I never used a hundreds chart! So if you need to add something but you can't use mental math, use a hundreds chart.

What I learned in first quarter is adding with a 100 chart. I also learned to subtract with mental math.

What I learned from Mrs. Tamashiro is vocabulary and different math problems. We write 15 words for our spelling test. We have the spelling test only on Friday. We learn fun things with Mrs. Tamashiro. We have Mrs. Saggers only on Wednesday. She teaches us about notes and music. Mrs. Tamashiro is the best teacher in the world. Mrs. Tamashiro is the beautifulest teacher in the world.

This quarter we learned music! We also learned quarter notes and half notes. Also, we heard some cool music.

In this quarter, I learned how to tell time to the nearest minute. In 2nd grade I didn't know how to tell time to the nearest minute.

What I learned in first quarter is adding with a hundred chart and elapsed time. Elapsed time in the start and end like 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The elapsed time is 6 hours.

In the first quarter I learned about AR reading, KidBiz, MathWhizz, IXL, and more cursive.

I learned in the 1st quarter to write in cursive in my cursive book.

What I learned in the first quarter is addition using 2 digit numbers. Sometimes I get mixed up with some numbers.

I learned how to write in cursive. It was difficult, but I got the hang of it. It's fun to write in cursive.

I learned to use line graphs. I learned how to do Algebra and bar graphs.  I also learned how to type on a computer really fast.

I learned about sound energy and that it travels slowest in gases and that it travels fastest in solids.

What I learned in first quarter was about using 100 charts to add 2 digit numbers.

I learned in the first quarter that the giraffe can kick so, so hard that it can kick a lion head off!!! Ouch!

In the first quarter, I learned in Science that sound travels faster through solids than it does liquids or gases.

We are looking forward to learning a lot more next quarter!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fun Fair Tomorrow

Tomorrow will be an exciting day at Kapunahala! Our Fun Fair will be held from 2:10 to 7:30. Thank you to all of the families who contributed by volunteering to work in a booth, donated things or helped with planning and other important tasks!
Please be sure to discuss with your child your after-school plans. It will be very crowded when school is dismissed so making a plan will prevent having confused and worried children.
Special Announcement: Each current Kapunahala student will receive a Game Ticket which entitles them to four free games and prizes at the fair! Tickets will be distributed tomorrow at the classroom. 
Thank you! Have a great time!

Mexico Sharing

 We have been learning about the country of Mexico. Our part-time teacher, Mrs. Hood, is from Mexico and brought many interesting items to share with us. She showed us some beautiful women's tops, a wrap to carry a baby, a mortar and pestle to make salsa, a press to make corn tortillas, and some beautiful platters. Thank you, Mrs. Hood, for teaching us about your culture!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Music Class

 We are very fortunate to have Mrs. Saggers teaching music lessons to our third graders for 13 sessions. Today we had our first music lesson. All of the children were totally engaged as Mrs. Saggers taught us about beat and rhythm. Ask your child to explain to you the difference between these two elements of music. We enjoyed practicing both of these elements as well as singing, moving, and playing rhythm instruments. Here are some photos of two of the activities we did today.