Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Reminders for Next Week

HSA Testing
B23 will be taking our last round of HSA testing next week Tuesday to Friday (April 30-May 3). We have been working hard to brush up on our math and reading skills. Thank you for helping your child keep up with the many pages of math that they've been bringing home. We're almost there and I'm sure that all of their hard work will pay off!
Most of the students have already passed the HSA tests on the previous attempts, but we are all trying to raise our scores on this last attempt. Encourage your child to try his/her best!
 In order for your child to do his/her best, please remember to do the following:

1. Go to bed at a reasonable time.
2. Eat a good breakfast.
3. Come to school on time.

Pet Rock Project due on Monday
The students received a Pet Rock assignment last week and it is due on Monday, April 29.
Don't forget to:
1. Do the back page first before you decorate the rock.
2. Decorate your rock to look like a pet.
3. Draw a picture of your pet rock going on an adventure with you.
4. Write a story about your pet rock and you going on an adventure.
5. Bring your rock on Monday to share.

Tennis Lessons Tues., April 30 and Fri., May 3
We are fortunate to have Sheila Kurosu from USTA coming to teach the third graders tennis lessons next week Tuesday and Friday. The students always love participating in this fun and active activity!
Please wear shoes and bring water on Tuesday, Thursday (our regular PE day) and Friday next week.

Career Day- May 7
Thank you to all of the parents and family members who have volunteered to present at our Career Day on May 7. We would like to invite those of you who haven't yet volunteered to come and share your career with us. All careers are interesting and valuable! Please join us! Or if you're not able to come, please invite someone else to join us!
More information will be coming from our parent coordinator, Yvonne Almeida. Mahalo!

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