Sunday, February 10, 2013

Candle Making and Chinese New Year

Candle Making Activity
Mr. Mike from the Mission Houses came to teach us how the missionaries made candles long ago. We were so excited that we got to make our own candles. It was hard work, but we had fun dipping the wicks in hot wax and cold water. We were pretty amazed that the candles we made will actually light up!

Candle wicks are hanging from pencils

We start out dipping the wicks in hot wax and cooling it off in cold water.

The wax is melted liquid and we must be very careful!

We dip in wax and cold water over and over again!

Look at our cool candles!

More candles!

The more you dip, the bigger your candle gets!

Gung Hay Fat Choy!
The staff from Panda Express' two locations in Kaneohe came to teach us about Chinese New Year. We got to make Chinese lanterns and lai see. They also gave us fortune cookies, a special coupon and lots of prizes!
Look at our beautiful lanterns. Some of us donated them and they will be on display at one of the locations in Kaneohe.

We are the winners from the beautiful lantern competition!

We got a special coupon to put in our lai see envelope.

Xie Xie (Thank you!)

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