Friday, February 22, 2013

More Solar System Projects

Awesome job, B23 students! The projects were so impressive! Thank you, parents, for your assistance in helping the children with their creative projects. Take a look at the outstanding projects!

Makoa with his recycled materials planets

Jade and her styrofoam ball Solar Systems

Alysha and her foam ball planets with a Black Hole

Sierra and her solar system poster

Jayvis and his Solar System mobile

Christina and her glittery poster

Marlee and her colorful diorama

Walker and his colorful poster

Kaydence and her paper mache planets

Elisa and her "light up" planets

Quintin and his colorful styrofoam planets

Sienna and her colorful planets

Maile anSd her colorful hanging mobile

Shamren and his foam and sticks model

Jack and his recycled toys planets

Malina and her trashcan cover and clothesline solar system

Jayvis and his hanging mobile

Xander and his Christmas ornament planets

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

B23 HSA- Feb. 26- March 1

B23 will be taking the second HSA test next week Tuesday to Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday will be the Reading test and Thursday and Friday will be the math test.

Please do the following to prepare for testing:

1. Go to bed at a reasonable time the night before.
2. Eat a good breakfast.
3. Come to school on time. The test begins promptly at 8:15 AM.

Thank you for preparing your child for this important test! We have been working hard in school to review and learn as much as we can! Our goal is to have everyone pass and/or increase their scores from the first HSA test.

Best wishes to everyone! Try hard and do your best!

Oklahoma, Jr.

We really enjoyed the CPAC performance of Oklahoma, Jr. that we saw yesterday. There were several Kapunahala students performing in the production. We'd like to congratulate all of them, especially Reece's brother Reyn,  for a fantastic performance!

Here's what we liked about the performance:
Reece- "I liked that my brother was in it and there was a lot of acting, singing, and dancing. I also like that they switched houses."
Kaleb-"I liked the singing and dancing. My favorite was when Curly sang."
Shamren- "I liked the people acting and how they sang. My favorite charcter was Curly."
Marlee- "It was fun to watch because it was exciting. The acting was entertaining."
Xander:- "I liked how they were acting. They were good actors."
Jade- "I liked Laurey because she is a good actress. I liked when she had a dream."
Makoa- "They had a lot of delicate voices and a lot of humor. They changed the scenes so quickly. The Smokehouse looked like bacon."
Kaydence- "It was very exciting and when they were talking it was kind of confusing what they were saying. They spoke with an accent."
Christina- "I like the part when they sang because they have good singers and I liked it because they were talking in an accent."
Alysha- " I liked the part when Laurey and Curly got married in her dream. Jud came in and he was mad at Curly for marrying Laurey."
Elisa- "I liked when Laurey and Curly got married. The singing and dancing looked fun."

A Scene from Oklahoma, Jr.

Solar System Project Due on Feb. 21

We had an awesome time learning about the Solar System! As our final project, we each created a Solar System at home using whatever materials we wanted to. Five students completed their project early and shared them today. They did a wonderful job and we are so excited to see the rest of the projects tomorrow! Here are pics of the projects and their creators!

Reece with his poster using styrofoam balls cut in half

Kammiee with her styrofoam ball planets

Kaleb with his poster that includes facts about the planets

Matthew with his poster that includes sticker stars

Reilly with his mobile hanging from a decorated bamboo stick

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Candle Making and Chinese New Year

Candle Making Activity
Mr. Mike from the Mission Houses came to teach us how the missionaries made candles long ago. We were so excited that we got to make our own candles. It was hard work, but we had fun dipping the wicks in hot wax and cold water. We were pretty amazed that the candles we made will actually light up!

Candle wicks are hanging from pencils

We start out dipping the wicks in hot wax and cooling it off in cold water.

The wax is melted liquid and we must be very careful!

We dip in wax and cold water over and over again!

Look at our cool candles!

More candles!

The more you dip, the bigger your candle gets!

Gung Hay Fat Choy!
The staff from Panda Express' two locations in Kaneohe came to teach us about Chinese New Year. We got to make Chinese lanterns and lai see. They also gave us fortune cookies, a special coupon and lots of prizes!
Look at our beautiful lanterns. Some of us donated them and they will be on display at one of the locations in Kaneohe.

We are the winners from the beautiful lantern competition!

We got a special coupon to put in our lai see envelope.

Xie Xie (Thank you!)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Cultural Sharing

The students did an awesome job sharing their culture with the class! We were so fortunate to have a variety of cultures represented in our class. The cultures shared were: Chinese, Japanese, Hawaiian, Portuguese, Native American, Filipino, Okinawan, Spanish, and Mexican.
Here are some pics of what they shared...

Makoa shares his ukulele talent with the class!

Reilly shared yummy Okinawan andagi with the class!

Sienna and her mom made yummy quesadillas.

Jade did a hula from her Hawaiian culture and Elisa joined her.

Marlee shared her Hawaiian ukulele.

Kammiee is holding a cute Hawaiian maneki neko.

Maile is holding her dad's authentic poi poiunder.

Kaleb shared a picture of his great great grandmother's relative on the gate of  Iolani palace.

Matthew is holing his coat of arms from his Japanese culture.

Reece brought a lot of interesting items from his Japanese culture.

Xander is holding pesos from his Filipino culture.

Sierra is holding a beautiful dream catcher form her Native American culture.

Alysha is holding a carving of a Filipino lady.

Makina is holding a book called "Bonilla" which tells about the Spanish journey to California.

Walker is holding a Chinese fan and red envelope.

Jack is holding his uncle's Samurai helmet.

Elisa shared her coat of arms from her Filipino culture.

Jayvis shared yummy mochi from his Japanese culture.

Shamren is wearing a Hawaiian Kukui nut lei.

Kaydence is sharing her coat of arms for her Hawaiian culture.

Christina holding her coat of arms and a photo of her grandmother from Japan.