Thursday, November 29, 2012

First Round of HSA Testing Completed

We made it through our first round of HSA testing! Congratulations to the students for working so hard and trying their best! Many of the students passed on their first try and will be focusing on doing even better on the next two rounds. If your child did not pass yet, encourage them to try their best in school, do all their homework and classwork, work on their computer programs and read, read, read! All of that will help them gain the necessary skills to pass the test. Mahalo!

Here's a scale of the reading and math scores. Your child should have written their scores in their planner.

Exceeds     324-500
Meets        300-323
Approaching   266-299
Well Below     100-265

Exceeds     343-500
Meets        300-342
Approaching   268-299
Well Below     100-267

HSA #2 will be on Feb. 26, 27, 28, and March 1.
HSA #3 will be on April 29, 30, and May 1, 2

Thank you for helping your child be prepared by being in school on time, getting a good night's rest, and eating a good breakfast.

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