Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mahalo and Reminders

Student-Led Conferences
Mahalo for attending our Student-Led Conferences! The students worked hard to prepare for the conferences and their hard work paid off. They all did a wonderful job sharing their goals, progress, and work samples. We hope you enjoyed the conferences and now have a better understanding of what we are doing in third grade.

Please take a few minutes to fill out the "Parent Stars and Wish" form. The children are anxious to hear your praises and suggestions. We would also appreciate it if you would fill out the conference evaluation and SCC council forms.

Please return the portfolio and its contents by Friday or next Monday at the latest. You may keep the report card and Animal book that the children made.

Fire Safety Booklet
The deadline for the Fire Safety Book is Friday, Oct. 26. All B23 students must return the booklet because it is being graded.

Halloween Costume Contest- Oct. 31
A lime green flyer went home today with guidelines for children who would like to enter the Halloween costume contest next Wednesday. Please read the flyer and let me know if you have any questions. In addition to the guidelines on the flyer, students will not be allowed to have any type of weapons (knives, daggers, swords, guns, etc.) as part of their costumes.

I would like to suggest that the children bring a change of clothes if they are wearing a costume on Wednesday. Many times, the children become very uncomfortable in their costumes and a change of clothes would allow them to change into something more comfortable.

HSA Testing
Round 1 of HSA testing runs from Nov. 5 to Nov. 30. Our class is scheduled to test on Nov. 19, 20, 27, 28.
Please prepare your child for testing by:
  • Getting a good night's rest the night before testing.
  • Eat a good breakfast.
  • Being in school on time. (Latecomers will not be allowed to enter the testing room once the test begins.)
Thank you for your cooperation in helping prepare your child so he/she can do his/her best!

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