Friday, August 3, 2012

B23 Super Students

Our first week of third grade was busy and filled with lots of new friendships and new experiences! Thank you for helping your child prepare for school and adjust to his/her new class.

Here are our reflections of our first week of school:

I think third grade will be challenging but fun.What I really am looking forward to is spending time with my friends.

I think third grade is fun because you learn more than second graders.  We write more than second graders and bring more school supplies.

I like third grade because I have lots of new friends.

I still feel like I'm in second grade because I'm not used to it yet. I like third grade so far.

I like third grade because I get to see my friends again. The work is very hard but I can do it without being frustrated.

Third grade is kind of hard, but fun. Kapunahala School is good.

Third grade is fun to do because we will go on field trips and we get to do activities in our classroom.

I made a lot of new friends and I have a nice teacher. I like the beginning of third grade because I like doing a lot of hard work.

My teacher is okay and I have good friends like Marlee and Taylor. My classmates are nice and the lunches are ono!

On the first day of school, I was shy when I came in because there was new people that I didn't know. I'm not shy any more because I know everybody in my class now.

On my second day of school I was excited to see my friends and it was fun playing basketball and soccer with them.

Third grade is challenging. The math will be challenging when we learn multiplication and division. Third grade is fun!

I hope I have a good time at third grade and I hope I have new friends. I hope I get more challenging work and learn new things.

Third grade is good because I like my friends. I also like to read Frog and Toad books.

Third grade is fun because I got to meet new friends. My classmates are nice to me.

I think third grade will be hard in math when we do multiplication and division. I hope to meet new friends.

Third grade is fun because we will do lots of fun things like we will have PE every week and we get to have 3 or 4 field trips. We get to learn new things.

I think third grade is very fun because we get to do Math, Language Arts  and KidBiz.

I think third grade is really fun because we get to do new stuff. I made new friends.Some of the people from my class are in my class again.

I think third grade is really fun because I like multiplication, fact families, time, and art.

I think third grade is fun and awesome because you can do different activities.

My first week of school was exciting and fun because I got to make new friends. I got to play with my old friends. My class work was good.

I think third grade will be fun because the classwork that I did was fun. I got to see lots of my friends.

Third grade is fun because we get to learn and do math. I like recess and Science. The work is easy and I'm doing a good job.

I had fun this week because I got to see most of my friends in class. I like my class because my teacher is nice and everyone in my class is nice.

Third grade is so cool because I have cool classmates and a cool teacher.
I love third grade because it is so fun and I have a beautiful teacher. When I first came I was so shy because there are more students than last year. I'm not shy now.

My first week of school was great! The students are fun and hardworking! It was a busy week because we had so many things to learn about our new class and our new friends. I'm looking forward to an awesome year!
Mrs. Tamashiro
Here are our B23 Super Stars!  Watch us shine this year!

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