Friday, August 31, 2012

More Animal Dioramas!

I am very impressed by the hard work and creativity that went into creating the projects. Each one is special in its own way! Today, we had visitors from B21 and B22 come to view our projects. Judging from the all the chattering and questions, they also loved the projects. Thank you for your help in assisting your child with this project! The children are so proud of their creations!

Enjoy the photos of the rest of the projects!


Have a Happy Labor Day Weekend!
Try to do a KidBiz article during the weekend and AR reading on Monday.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Animal Diorama Projects Due Tomorrow (Aug. 30)

Just a reminder that the Animal Adaptations Dioramas are due tomorrow. The children have been working hard on their projects for the past 2 weeks and we are anxious to see the rest of them tomorrow. A bunch of students turned them in early and shared their creations today. What an exciting time it was! The projects are awesome! There is so much creativity shown in making the animal adaptations on their animals. The habitats that were created for these animals to live in are also fantastic!

Next step...we'll be writing creative stories about our wonderful animals! Stay tuned!

Here are the projects that were shared today...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Computer Programs

The students have been working hard on all of computer programs. I would like to clarify which programs the students can do at home:
1. KidBiz- Students are required to pass 2 articles per week. They have many opportunities to do KidBiz articles in school and should be able to pass and write up at least one article a week in class. They will also need to pass and write up at least one KidBiz article for homework every week. Our weekly timeline goes from Saturday to Friday. New KidBiz worksheets are passed out every Friday and the kids can get a headstart on the week by doing an article over the weekend if they have time. The completed KidBiz form (front and back) is due every Friday. I have created a new KidBiz form that the kids will begin using this week. I have attached a link to this form here:
.KidBiz Main Idea/Details form

2. Math Whizz- Students may continue to do Math Whizz activities at home. The school's license will expire in October so I will let you know if the program is discontinued or if we renew the license.

3. IXL- Students may work on the math skill that we currently working on in our math books. Please refer to their homework assignments to see what the current math skill is.

4. Math Facts in a Flash- This is excellent practice for students who need to practice the basic number operations. It is a timed speed drill.

5.  Accelerated Reader- Students should be reading AR books at home daily. They can check if their book titles are on the Accelerated Reader list, by going to "Accelerated Reader Book Finder". Parents can also go on "Home Connect" to get information on students' progress in Accelerated Reader. The AR tests, however, can only be done in school.

6. Read Live- Some students will be doing Read Naturally Live in class and can practice reading their stories aloud on this site.

7. Free typing This is a free site to practice typing skills and proper finger placement on the keyboard. Students should be practicing using all 10 fingers when they type.

All of the sites above can be accessed through the Kapunahala website. The url is:

Your child should know their username and password for all of these programs. If they have forgotten any of them, please have them check with me.

Please let me know if you have questions.Thanks for your support!

Cindy Tamashiro

Zoo To You Presentation

Today, Ms. Stephanie from the Honolulu Zoo came to teach us about Animal Adaptations. She brought a lot of cool things for us to see and touch. Some of the things she brought are: skulls of an alligator, zebra, orangutan, fur from a gazelle, porcupine quills, feathers, horns, antlers, and even a preserved scorpion! We had a lot of fun learning how these animals have adapted to survive in their environments. It was also exciting to be able to touch and feel all of the interesting things she brought from the zoo. She told us that we can email her if we have questions. Her email address is: 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

PE Change Next Week

Our PE class will normally be every Thursday. Next week, however, there will be a change. Grade 3 is scheduled to have rotation classes on Monday, August 20. PE is part of the rotation so please be prepared on Monday. Remember that you should wear shoes and bring water on PE days.
Here are some photos of PE class today with Miss Lucas.
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Create an Animal Worksheet

Here is the worksheet for the Animal Diorama project.
Create an Animal Diorama

Create an Animal Diorama

Aloha Parents! We're having fun learning about animal adaptaions. As a culminating activity for our unit, the children have an assignment to create an animal diorama. The students will need to create an imaginary animal with adaptations using recycled materials and put that animal in a habitat that it could survivie in. They will need a shoebox, recycled materials, glue, scissors, paint (if they want), etc. Please let me know if there are supplies that you would like to use, but don't have. I will provide those supplies if I have them.
Thank you for your assistance with this project! Have fun!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Friday, August 10, 2012

Mahalo for your Generous Donations!

Mahalo to all of you who generously donated items from our class wish list! We now have a new carpwt, new board game, electric pencil sharpener, ziploc bags, paper plates, popcorn, children's cushion chair, and fruity snacks. Thank you so much!

We are in need of a few more items. If you are able to donate any of these items, please let me know: more microwave popcorn, more snack items for incentives, board game, large cushions or bean bag chairs for our reading center, 3"x3" post it notes,

Thank you so much for supporting our classroom!

Mahalo to our volunteers!

Thank you to the following parents for volunteering to help with our class:

Read Naturally
  1. Yvonne Almeida (Makoa)
  2. Kawai Pakjake (Kaydence)
Ceramic Glazing
  1. Karie Pastor (Alysha)
  2. Tanya Mendez (Thaiden)
  3. Eric Martinez (Xander)
  4. Tammi Miyade (Reilly)
  5. Kawai Pakjake (Kaydence)
Winter Project
  1. Karie Pastor (Alysha)
  2. Tanya Mendez (Thaiden)
  3. Vivian Kyle (Kea)
  4. Yvonne Almeida (Makoa)
  5. Tammi Miyade (Reilly)
  6. Kawai Pakjake (Kaydence)
Xeroxing copies
  1. Sharleen Barrett (Quintin)
  2. Dana Matsukawa (Reece)
  3. Yvonne Almeida (Makoa)
  4. Michelle Osborne (Christina)
Clerical Work
  1. Karie Pastor- home
  2. Dana Matsukawa- home
  3. Vivian Kyle- home
  4. Yvonne Almeida- home
  5.  Christine Tomooka-Saito- home
  6. Tammi Miyade- home
Scholastic Book Orders
  1. Karie Pastor
Career Day Speaker
  1. Kris Kyle (Kea)
  2. Jeff Almeida (Makoa)
  3. Mark and Lehua Montez (Sienna)
  4. Yonghi Chen (Walker) 
Thank you, parents, for so generously volunteering  to help us this year! I appreciate you taking the time to become involved.  I will be in touch.

P.S. It's not too late to volunteer. Please fill out the attached "Parent Help Needed" form or send me a note if you would like to sign up.
Also, please send me your email address so I can add you to our email list. Mahalo!

Friday, August 3, 2012

B23 Super Students

Our first week of third grade was busy and filled with lots of new friendships and new experiences! Thank you for helping your child prepare for school and adjust to his/her new class.

Here are our reflections of our first week of school:

I think third grade will be challenging but fun.What I really am looking forward to is spending time with my friends.

I think third grade is fun because you learn more than second graders.  We write more than second graders and bring more school supplies.

I like third grade because I have lots of new friends.

I still feel like I'm in second grade because I'm not used to it yet. I like third grade so far.

I like third grade because I get to see my friends again. The work is very hard but I can do it without being frustrated.

Third grade is kind of hard, but fun. Kapunahala School is good.

Third grade is fun to do because we will go on field trips and we get to do activities in our classroom.

I made a lot of new friends and I have a nice teacher. I like the beginning of third grade because I like doing a lot of hard work.

My teacher is okay and I have good friends like Marlee and Taylor. My classmates are nice and the lunches are ono!

On the first day of school, I was shy when I came in because there was new people that I didn't know. I'm not shy any more because I know everybody in my class now.

On my second day of school I was excited to see my friends and it was fun playing basketball and soccer with them.

Third grade is challenging. The math will be challenging when we learn multiplication and division. Third grade is fun!

I hope I have a good time at third grade and I hope I have new friends. I hope I get more challenging work and learn new things.

Third grade is good because I like my friends. I also like to read Frog and Toad books.

Third grade is fun because I got to meet new friends. My classmates are nice to me.

I think third grade will be hard in math when we do multiplication and division. I hope to meet new friends.

Third grade is fun because we will do lots of fun things like we will have PE every week and we get to have 3 or 4 field trips. We get to learn new things.

I think third grade is very fun because we get to do Math, Language Arts  and KidBiz.

I think third grade is really fun because we get to do new stuff. I made new friends.Some of the people from my class are in my class again.

I think third grade is really fun because I like multiplication, fact families, time, and art.

I think third grade is fun and awesome because you can do different activities.

My first week of school was exciting and fun because I got to make new friends. I got to play with my old friends. My class work was good.

I think third grade will be fun because the classwork that I did was fun. I got to see lots of my friends.

Third grade is fun because we get to learn and do math. I like recess and Science. The work is easy and I'm doing a good job.

I had fun this week because I got to see most of my friends in class. I like my class because my teacher is nice and everyone in my class is nice.

Third grade is so cool because I have cool classmates and a cool teacher.
I love third grade because it is so fun and I have a beautiful teacher. When I first came I was so shy because there are more students than last year. I'm not shy now.

My first week of school was great! The students are fun and hardworking! It was a busy week because we had so many things to learn about our new class and our new friends. I'm looking forward to an awesome year!
Mrs. Tamashiro
Here are our B23 Super Stars!  Watch us shine this year!